Please complete the form below to register your Bat Night. If you don't already have a presenter for your event, don't worry, we will try and organise one for you.

Your Details

Have more than one contact person? Enter multiple email addresses by separating each address with a comma,

Event Details

Enter the address or location of your event. Once entered, check the map below to see if the marked location is correct. If not, drag the marker to the correct location or click/tap the correct location to move the marker.

For events that repeat on multiple dates, please register a separate event for each date so that the event appears on the events calendar for each date that it is running. After completing this form, you will have the option to create a similar event with saved details.

Please enter a short description of maximum 30 words that briefly describes your event.

Files should be maximum of 2MB and either JPG or PNG format

Files should be maximum of 2MB and either JPG or PNG format

*Note that the feature image or flyer/poster can be changed using the 'Update event' link after an event is registered.

Presenter Details

(e.g. digital projector, laptop, microphone, torches)

Bat Handling

Additional Details

(e.g. long pants and shirt required, cost, refreshments provided, limited numbers, no onsite power)

Please wait while your registration is processed. This may take a few minutes if you are uploading large files ...